Connected Canterbury – Unlocking the Tales of England highways proposals

In January 2023, we were awarded money from the Levelling Up Fund to deliver our Connected Canterbury – Unlocking the Tales of England project.
As part of this project we are proposing to make changes to the public highway at five separate locations in Canterbury. These are:
- changes near the Westgate Towers and creation of a Westgate Square.
- changes near the clocktower and creation of a St George’s Square.
- changes along St George’s Lane and to the bus station.
- changes to the pedestrian and cycle routes to the Norman Castle.
- changes to footways on Pound Lane between The Causeway and St Peter’s Lane.
The features shown on the drawings below are just an indication of how things could look and we welcome your views on them:
- Appendix A – Westgate Square
- Appendix B – St George’s Square
- Appendix C – St George’s Lane
- Appendix D – Norman Castle to Dane John
- Appendix E – Causeway and St Peter’s Lane
- Appendix F – Indicative palette of materials
Work on the public highway is subject to approval by Kent County Council (KCC) and a road safety audit process. This may restrict our options when it comes to layout and materials.
The schemes being consulted on are all subject to the money being available and our ability to deliver them.
Consultation has now closed and comments can no longer be submitted.
You can read the results of the consultation.

Published: 14 August 2023