Delivery riders’ reckless behaviour needs to stop, says forum

Delivery riders' reckless behaviour needs to stop, says forum

Cllr Terry Westgate, Chairman of Canterbury City Council’s Canterbury Forum, has written to bosses at both takeaway delivery firms on behalf of city councillors, calling on them to take their moral and legal responsibilities seriously after the matter was discussed at a forum meeting earlier this month.

The forum was shocked to hear from one pensioner who took a glancing blow from a delivery rider making their way through the pedestrianised area at speed. His injuries needed medical treatment.

In his letter, Cllr Westgate says: “Despite being steeped in history, Canterbury in east Kent is a forward-thinking city determined to embrace every opportunity presented to it by advances in technology.

“However, a recent meeting of the forum was told of increasing concerns from residents about the way your delivery riders recklessly make their way through the city centre.

“We have no doubt your organisation takes safety incredibly seriously and the forum seeks your assurance you will remind your riders in this area of their legal and moral responsibilities.

“If this behaviour continues to be an issue, councillors will ask council officers to explore what other legal avenues are open to restrict riders behaving in a way that can only be described as dangerous. We will also work with the police and those responsible for policing health and safety legislation.

“At best, we see this as a reputational issue for your company. At worst, we fear someone is going to be seriously hurt unless this matter is tackled with a sense of urgency.”

The forum was told the issue has also been raised by Kent Police, which is responsible for policing the ban on vehicles in pedestrianised areas between 10.30am and 4pm each day.

Published: 29 January 2019

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