Natural environment and renewable energy opportunity sites

Natural environment and renewable energy opportunity sites

Working on our Local Plan, we have launched a four week ‘Call for Sites’ in which developers, land agents and landowners are invited to put forward potential sites to help the district meet its climate change and ecological goals.

The purpose of this Call for Sites is to establish what land is potentially available in the district for specific renewable energy and natural environment purposes. We are not inviting submissions for housing or commercial uses at this stage.

We are inviting site proposals for a range of uses:

  • increasing and enhancing wildlife species and habitats and their connectivity
  • accessible open and green spaces including for parks, allotments, play or outdoor sports
  • tree planting to take carbon out of the atmosphere, known as sequestration, and to increase connectivity between woodlands
  • solar arrays, onshore wind turbines and related infrastructure that could include battery storage and hydrogen generation

Submitted sites will be assessed against a number of criteria including suitability, availability and for the purpose proposed.

Please submit your site(s) using this form .

Thank you for your interest in this Call for Sites.

Published: 10 February 2022

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