Draft Public Space Protection Order: Dog Control

This consultation closed on Monday 16 January. Thank you to those who commented.
Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs) are the main enforcement tool used by the council where dog control is concerned, helping to prevent and tackle issues around dog fouling and irresponsible dog ownership.
The council’s dog control PSPO sets out the areas where dogs must be kept on a lead and areas where dogs are not allowed, and what time of year these restrictions apply, as well as the requirement for people to pick up their dog mess.
The council is not proposing any changes to the activities, locations or times covered by the PSPO.
The only change we are making is to include maps to show the boundaries of the locations covered by the PSPO.
The maps included in this consultation are only for areas which do not have specific walled parameters. For example, where a play area is gated and has a wall entirely surrounding it, and therefore does not require a specific map for definition.
We’d like to know whether you think the boundaries shown on the maps are appropriate or whether you think any of the boundaries should be moved.
You will also note that the maps have colour coded and hatched markings on to add clarity to where there are multiple restrictions. For example, dogs are banned on the beach only during certain months of the year, but the promenade is dogs on lead permanently.
The colours on the maps show the following different types of restrictions:
- Solid red: dogs excluded permanently
- Solid orange: dogs on lead permanently
- Orange hatching: seasonal restriction on dogs on lead
- Red hatching: seasonal restriction for dog exclusion
Published: 5 December 2022