Proposed changes to charges and conditions in council car parks

The council is proposing to make a number of changes to its car parks to encourage greater use of car parks that have spare capacity, help tackle the climate emergency and increase income to help pay for vital council services.

Consultation on these proposals closed on Monday 8 January and comments can no longer be submitted.

You can read the results of the consultation.

The details below are being left on this page for the public’s information.

General changes

  • Item 1: Introduce a ‘Residents Rate’ that provides a 10% discount* on the hourly tariff rate in Band 2 & 3 ANPR car parks and a 20% discount at Park & Ride sites for residents in the district that are registered for an ANPR account *rounded to the nearest 10p
  • Item 2: Increase the free parking period for Blue Badge holders in all car parks from 2 hours to 3 hours
  • Item 3: Remove the 20% EV discount offered to ANPR account holders and permit holders
  • Item 4: Remove free parking period 8.30am -10am weekdays: Gorrell Tank/Middle Wall (excl summer hols period), Keams Yd, Gladstone Rd, Shaftesbury Rd, Victoria St
  • Item 5: Remove the free parking period 6pm-9pm for ANPR account holders in William Street
  • Item 6: Increase daily capped charges: Band 1 £25 to £30, Band £20 to £25 Band 3 £10 to £15

Band 1

Item No.AreaCar parkCurrent tariffProposed tariff 2024/25Proposed residents’ tariff 2024/25
7CanterburyWatling Street£3.50/hour£3.70/hourN/A
9CanterburyPound Lane£2.50/hour£3.70/hourN/A
11WhitstableGorrell Tank£3.10/hour (Apr-Sept) £1.60 (Oct-Mar)£3.70/hourN/A
12WhitstableKeams Yard£3.10/hour (Apr-Sept) £1.60 (Oct-Mar)£3.70/hourN/A
13WhitstableBeach Walk£2.50/hour£3.70/hourN/A
15WhitstableWhitstable Harbour£2.50/hour£3.70/hourN/A

Band 2

Item No.AreaCar parkCurrent tariffProposed tariff 2024/25Proposed residents’ tariff 2024/25
16CanterburySt Radigunds£2.50/hour£2.70/hour£2.40/hour
17CanterburyNorth Lane£2.50/hour£2.70/hourN/A
20CanterburyCastle Row £2.50/hour£2.70/hour£2.40/hour
21CanterburyMillers Field£2.50/hour£2.70/hour£2.40/hour
23WhitstableMiddle Wall£2.50/hour (Apr-Sept), £1.60 (Oct-Mar)£2.70/hour£2.40/hour
24Herne BayNeptune £2.30/hour (Apr-Sept) £1.50 (Oct-Mar)£2.70/hour£2.40/hour
25Herne BayReculver Towers£2.30/hour (Apr-Sept), £1.60 (Oct-Mar)£2.70/hourN/A
26Herne BayReculver Country Park £2.30/hour (Apr-Sept), £1.60 (Oct-Mar)£2.70/hourN/A

Band 3

AreaCar parkCurrent tariffProposed tariff 2024/25Proposed residents’ tariff 2024/25
27CanterburyCastle Street Multi-Storey£1.80/hour£1.90/hour£1.70/hour
28CanterburyHolmans Meadow £1.80/hour£1.90/hourN/A
29CanterburyStation Road West Multi-Storey£1.80/hour£1.90/hour£1.70/hour
30CanterburyToddlers Cove*£1.70/hour£1.90/hourN/A
31CanterburyVictoria Rec Ground**£1.70/hour£1.90/hourN/A
32CanterburyCow Lane£1.30/hour£1.90/hourN/A
33CanterburyMaynard Road£1.30/hour£1.90/hourN/A
34WhitstableGladstone Road £2.50/hour (Apr-Sept) £1.60/hour (Oct-Mar)£1.90/hourN/A
35WhitstableShaftesbury Road £2.50/hour (Apr-Sept) £1.60/hour (Oct-Mar)£1.90/hourN/A
36WhitstableVictoria Street £2.50/hour (Apr-Sept) £1.60/hour (Oct-Mar)£1.90/hourN/A
37Herne BayWilliam Street £1.50/hour£1.90/hour£1.70/hour
38Herne BayMarket Street £1.50/hour£1.90/hourN/A
39Herne BayBeach Street£1.50/hour£1.90/hourN/A
40Herne BayMemorial Park*£0.50/hour£1.90/hourN/A
41Herne BaySchool Lane£0.60 30 mins, £1.10 2hrs, £2.20 24hrs£1.90/hourN/A

* first 30 mins free

**first 2 hours free

Band 4 (leisure car parks – all day tariff)

Charges only apply between 10am-4pm Apr-Sept

Item No.AreaCar parkCurrent tariffProposed tariff 2024/25
42Herne BayOcean View£1.50/day Mon-Fri £3.00/day weekends, B/hols£1.60/day Mon-Fri £3.20/day weekends, B/hols
43WhitstableTankerton Road£1.50/day Mon-Fri £3.00/day weekends, B/hols£1.60/day Mon-Fri £3.20/day weekends, B/hols
44Herne BayReculver Drive£1.50/day Mon-Fri £3.00/day weekends, B/hols£1.60/day Mon-Fri £3.20/day weekends, B/hols
45Herne BayHampton£1.50/day Mon-Fri £3.00/day weekends, B/hols£1.60/day Mon-Fri £3.20/day weekends, B/hols
46Herne BayBishopstone Lane£1.50/day Mon-Fri £3.00/day weekends, B/hols£1.60/day Mon-Fri £3.20/day weekends, B/hols
47Herne BaySwalecliffe Avenue£1.50/day Mon-Fri £3.00/day weekends, B/hols£1.60/day Mon-Fri £3.20/day weekends, B/hols
48WhitstableFaversham Road£1.50/day Mon-Fri £3.00/day weekends, B/hols£1.60/day Mon-Fri £3.20/day weekends, B/hols
49WhitstableGorrell Valley Nature Reserve£1.50/day Mon-Fri £3.00/day weekends, B/hols£1.60/day Mon-Fri £3.20/day weekends, B/hols

Band 5 (Park and Ride)

Item No. AreaCar parkCurrent tariffProposed tariff 2024/25Proposed residents’ tariff 2024/25
50CanterburySturry Road£4.00/vehicle/day£4.00/vehicle/day£3.20/vehicle/day
52CanterburyNew Dover Road£4.00/vehicle/day£4.00/vehicle/day£3.20/vehicle/day

Other car parks

Item No.AreaCar parkProposed change
53CanterburyKingsmead Leisure CentreRemove car park from the OSPPO for Active Life to manage
54CanterburyKingfisher CloseAdd a defined area into the OSPPO for permit parking only
55CanterburySimmonds Road, WincheapRemove car park from OSPPO as tenant no longer wants to issue permits

Car park permits

Item 56: Increase permit charges by approx 10% – see Appendix 2 for full details.

Deposit documents

View the legal deposit documents.

What happens next?

The results of the consultation will be reported to councillors early in 2024.

Published: 13 November 2023

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