Draft Canterbury District Transport Strategy

Consultation on the draft Canterbury District Transport Strategy has now closed.
Thank you to all those who commented. The consultation information will remain on this page given the level of public interest, but you can no longer submit a comment.
- Draft Canterbury District Transport Strategy
- Draft Bus Strategy
- Draft Local Cycling and Walking Implementation Plan
The transport strategy sets out the short, medium and long term proposals to accompany the policies for planned growth in the Local Plan, and has been written in line with the Department for Transport’s ‘vision and validate’ approach.
This describes a continuous assessment of the effectiveness of the policies and measures against the vision of the strategy with additional measures that can be introduced if the vision is not being achieved.
You said, we did
As part of the previous Regulation 18 consultation in October 2022, we consulted on transport models and received numerous comments on how to strengthen the document.
There were strong objections to the Canterbury Circulation Plan which would have led to the creation of zones in the city and added to the length of people’s car journeys.
Respondents also objected to the construction of an Eastern Movement Corridor, also known as the Eastern Bypass, and the use of Rough Common Road as part of an outer city ring road.
We have taken these points on board. Instead you will see the strategy argues the council should work with others to make buses the first transport choice for as many people as possible by making them a convenient, affordable and reliable alternative to the car.
Improvements to bus services will be delivered alongside improvements to the railway, cycle and walking routes.
You can now read the public presentation slides used at the Local Plan public meetings held in April.
What happens next?
This consultation closed on Monday 3 June 2024.
All the feedback we receive will be reported to councillors later in the year.
They will then decide on how best to respond to the feedback before the strategy can be adopted.
Published: 12 March 2024