Applications for Restart Grant scheme open

Applications are now open for the Restart Grant scheme, a one-off payment from the government ranging from £2,667 to £18,000 to businesses in the following sectors:
- non-essential retail
- hospitality
- gyms and sport
- personal care
- leisure
- accommodation
To apply, your business must:
- occupy a property that is in the ratings list
- have been trading on 1 April 2021 – this includes those with staff on furlough, trading online or via click and collect, businesses not in liquidation or dissolved or stuck off, and businesses carrying out activity such as managing accounts, planning reopening and implementing COVID-safe measures
Click here for more information and to apply, or visit and search for business restart grant.
We have also received notification of a further allocation of money from the government for Additional Restrictions Grants which are aimed at helping businesses that are not eligible for other support or payments.
We are now working out how best to share that money among eligible businesses as quickly as we can when it arrives.
We received a huge number of applications for this scheme and had to close it to further applications.
To date, successful applicants have received funding through the various stages of lockdown and tier restrictions up until 15 February.
At the point of closing applications there were still another 100 or so applications being reviewed.
Payments to those that have received no grant support to date but are eligible will be prioritised.
As soon as we have more information, we will let those businesses that have applied know directly and post on our social media channels and our website
Published: 12 April 2021