Could you be a city councillor?

People interested in becoming a city councillor at the next council election in May 2023 can find out more about what the role entails at a special event next month.
The prospective councillor session takes place at the Guildhall council chamber in Canterbury on Thursday 22 September at 6.30pm.
It will explain the process involved in standing for election, what the council does and what life is really like as a councillor. A number of current councillors will be there to speak and answer questions.
Councillors come from all walks of life, age groups and backgrounds and play a key role in shaping the district, from deciding planning applications and pub opening hours, through to setting council tax and parking charges, as well as representing voters in their ward.
The council’s Head of Paid Service and Returning Officer, Tricia Marshall, said: “We held a similar event before the last election in 2019 and it went very well, so we’re back to do it again, explaining what can appear to be a daunting process in as clear and concise a way as possible.
“Being a councillor can be a really rewarding experience, helping people in your local community and getting involved in those big decisions on the future of the district.
“There are thousands of councillors across the country who are not members of political parties, so this is an opportunity that is genuinely open to anybody.
“We’re certainly not short of people expressing their views about us on social media, so maybe now is the time to move into the council chamber where you can actually make a difference.”
For more information or to confirm attendance at the prospective councillor event, email
Published: 11 August 2022