Design options for new Dane John play area published

Design options for new Dane John play area published

Canterbury City Council's project to provide a new children's play area in the Dane John Gardens is progressing well.

Two shortlisted designs have now been published, which the council is interested to hear views on. This is not a straight vote in which the most popular one wins, but any feedback will be taken into account during the final stage evaluation when a decision is taken on which one to go with.

A second design for the Dane John play area

Dane John play area option 2

As residents will know, the Dane John is a Scheduled Monument and historic park. Any play area design must not only be in keeping with the heritage setting, but must in some way interpret the site.

Balancing children's play needs with the heritage constraints of the site is challenging and the council has been working with Historic England (HE) to ensure it gets it right. They have provided some very valuable guidance.

A heritage statement and archaeological assessment is required for both designs. These, along with the two designs, will be submitted to HE later this year for more comprehensive feedback and the winning scheme will then be chosen.

The council will then work with the selected company and Historic England to make any final tweaks before applying for Scheduled Monument Consent and planning permission.

This new play area is being paid for from developer contributions for granted planning permissions.

Views can be emailed to or sent to Rebecca Booth, Canterbury City Council, Military Road, Canterbury, CT1 1YW by the end of June.

Published: 9 June 2020

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