Easing of coronavirus restrictions

With some easing of the lockdown restrictions now in place, we are starting to get questions about some of our services.
Our number one priority is to keep people safe, and our approach up to now has been to follow government advice. This will continue.
Everyone should stick to the rules that have been set out already and to any new guidelines that may emerge in the coming days and weeks.
It is by adhering to the clear social distancing rules, using common sense and working together that we can defeat this virus.
So to cover a few of the basics:
* You can go to the beach, sunbathe and have a dip in the sea (although it might be a bit chilly), as long as you stick to the social distancing rules
* Our rules on dogs on beaches in summer remain in place but we are taking a sensible approach to enforcement
* Beach hut owners can open their huts, but they must observe social distancing and stay in household groups only
* Children’s play areas and outdoor gyms remain closed
There are other services where we are in the process of considering the changes to the restrictions.
For example, people are allowed to start playing tennis again. We need to make sure this can happen at our courts in such a way that players can maintain social distancing, both while playing or waiting to play, and that appropriate cleaning can take place.
We’re also being asked about public toilets. A number of these have stayed open, but others were closed when the lockdown began. We must ensure that if we are going to reopen some, the public and staff that look after them can be in these facilities safely.
These are important issues. We will take the time to get decisions right. That might take a few days, but it’s the correct approach, and we’re grateful for people’s patience.
Please follow our social media pages and the service updates page on our website.
Published: 13 May 2020