Extra draft Local Plan public consultation event announced

An extra public consultation event on Canterbury City Council’s draft Local Plan has been added to the calendar.
Designed for those who have not managed to attend one of the three previous meetings, it will take place between 6.30pm and 8.30pm at the Westgate Hall, Westgate Hall Road, Canterbury, on Tuesday 21 May.
The format will include the same 45-minute district-wide presentation as that delivered at the other venues plus a 45-minute question-and-answer session and 30 minutes for people to ask questions, raise their concerns or offer their support less formally and more privately. There will be no new information shared.
Leader of the Council, Cllr Alan Baldock, said: “Creating a Local Plan that will pass muster with a Planning Inspector at the end of the process always leads to the need for some very difficult decisions to be made.
“But we want to hear people’s views – don’t forget, there have been huge changes to this draft compared to the last because we listened to feedback from the public.
“And if people have questions about the Local Plan, we want to do our very best to answer them.
“We’re very conscious high numbers at some of our previous events meant people were turned away. We hope those people will be able to make it later this month – this event is designed for them.”
The views expressed at the meetings in Herne Bay, Whitstable and Canterbury have all been noted by officers and will be fed into the consultation process.
Cllr Baldock said: “The consultation on the draft Local Plan closes at 5pm on Monday 3 June and the easiest way to give your view is online. People can also email us at consultations@canterbury.gov.uk or write in.
“The draft Local Plan, the evidence that sits behind it, details of the consultation and a copy of the slides that have been presented to each of the public consultation events can be found on our website.”
Published: 7 May 2024