Garden waste collections to restart

Garden bin collections resume from next Monday (1 March).
All subscribers to the service will have their first collection during the first two weeks of March and then fortnightly after that. Please make sure your new sticker for 2021 is on the bin.
Your collection dates for 2021 are on the letter that arrived with your sticker. Alternatively, you can look them up on our website.
In bringing the bin service back in-house through our own company, Canenco, we have taken the opportunity to reorganise the garden bin rounds to ensure we collect closer to an equal number each day. This will lead to a more stable and reliable service.
As a result, the day or week that your garden bin is emptied may be different to that in 2020. About 30 per cent of residents will be affected by this, so it’s really important you check your collection dates.
If you haven’t yet signed up for garden bin collections for 2021, you can do so on our website. We will process it as quickly as we can, but it won’t be in time for the first collection.
Published: 25 February 2021