Lord Mayor pays tribute to former Dean, Robert Willis

Lord Mayor of Canterbury, Cllr Jean Butcher, has paid tribute to the former Dean of Canterbury Cathedral, and Freeman of the City, Robert Willis, whose death was announced earlier this week.
Speaking at the start of tonight’s Full Council meeting in the Guildhall, Cllr Butcher said:
“Robert was, without any doubt, a man of faith and his compassion, kindness and concern for others shone through.
“He had a wonderful way with words which he used to great effect.
“He made delivering deeply meaningful, beautifully crafted and thought-provoking messages look absolutely effortless while leaving you in no doubt he had given the point he was making a great deal of thought.
“Robert’s flare as a communicator and his ability, and determination to spread the word of God, shone through during the Covid 19 pandemic, helping to put Canterbury and the church well and truly on the map once again.
“Millions of people looked to him for guidance, strength and support and he willingly gave it.
“His wisdom was truly a touchstone for so many. An exceptional man for exceptional times.”
Published: 24 October 2024