Lord Mayor Terry’s post-Easter thank you message

Lord Mayor Terry's post-Easter thank you message

Well, that was an Easter with a difference, wasn't it?

Normally, the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress would join hundreds of other worshippers at Canterbury Cathedral to hear Archbishop Justin deliver another one of his inspiring sermons.

But this year, my wife Sue and I, like everyone else, huddled around an iPad to hear what the Archbishop had to say – just the latest symbol of the many changes that have made life so different in recent weeks.

Of course, the reason for all these changes is simple – we're staying home, protecting the NHS and saving lives.

And so I'm writing, as the Lord Mayor and first citizen of the Canterbury district, to say thank you.

Thank you to everyone working on the frontline in the NHS and the care sector to look after the sick, the elderly and the vulnerable. I don't think any of us can imagine the challenges you are facing on a daily, even hourly, basis. But you are rising to those challenges magnificently and we salute you. You are simply incredible.

And similarly, thank you to the thousands of people who are still keeping our district, and the country, going. From bin men, shop workers and bus drivers, through to school teachers, council staff and delivery drivers, your dedication to your work is inspiring at a time when we need you the most.

And then there are the volunteers. Ordinary people out and about doing extraordinary things – delivering food parcels, collecting and dropping off prescriptions, or just being there to talk to someone afraid or lonely.

Remember, if you are in need of help, the council is there to support you. You can call us on 01227 868598 or fill in the form at www.canterbury.gov.uk/help.

When the council put out its call for volunteers a couple of weeks ago, we had more than 1,000 people contacting us. Quite astonishing. So thank you to all of you, too.

Finally, but by no means least, if you have stayed at home over the last few weeks, then you have helped to protect the NHS and to save lives. Thank you. We are all in this together and it is working, of that I have no doubt.

Normally at this time of year, the Lord Mayor's diary would be rammed – charity events, annual meetings, shop openings, school visits and the like.

At the moment, it's just empty. Blank page after blank page. But in due course, life will start to get back to some sort of normality and all those kinds of things I mentioned above will resume once again.

For now, though, I wish you the very best of health. Please stay safe.

Terry, Lord Mayor of Canterbury

Published: 14 April 2020

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