New Changing Places toilet open at Reculver

The district’s newest Changing Places facility, which provides fully accessible toilets designed with generous space and specialist equipment, has opened at Reculver Country Park.
The £115,000 city council project has resulted in a major upgrade to the public toilets at Reculver, because as well as the Changing Places facility, the existing toilets have been refurbished to include new hardware, internal and external cleaning and decoration.
In the Changing Places facility, the equipment consists of a full room coverage hoist system, height adjustable changing bench, height adjustable wash basin, a peninsular toilet with hand rails and a wall-mounted folding privacy screen.
The new toilet has been fitted with the latest specialist and high specification water efficient system to conserve water, while the new lighting is all LED on timers, and the newly replaced external lighting is also all LED and on dusk till dawn sensors.
Other elements to the project include a new extension to the existing building which will be used as a storage area for the cafe and the relocation of the timber store at the back of the toilet block on a new concrete slab.

Cabinet member for environmental services, Cllr Andrew Cook, said: “We are absolutely delighted with the new Changing Places toilet. It has been built to the highest standards with the very latest specialist equipment and its installation now means Reculver offers a fully accessible visitor experience.
“Together with the improvements to the other toilets, this project represents a significant investment by the council in this beautiful corner of our district.”
The project has been paid for from city council budgets and money from developers as a result of granted planning permissions.
Published: 5 September 2022