Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting to discuss Local Plan confirmed

An Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting to discuss the draft Canterbury District Local Plan to 2045 and its associated strategies will take place on Wednesday 14 December at the Guildhall in Canterbury.
The evening will start at 6pm with a general Local Plan briefing for all councillors, which will be open to members of the public who wish to attend. This will last up to 45 minutes.
Following a short break, the formal committee meeting will begin at 7pm in the normal format. As usual, people will be able to register to speak at the meeting via the council website once the agenda has gone live the week before.
As well as the draft Local Plan, the meeting will discuss three other, linked draft strategies – the Open Space Strategy, the Tree and Woodland Strategy and the Cycling and Walking Implementation Plan.
Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Cllr Mark Dance, said: “We know there is a lot of interest in the draft Local Plan and the other strategies, and this is an opportunity to come and find out more about what’s proposed and give your views to councillors directly.
“The council is currently in the middle of its extensive consultation on the draft plan, including meetings with parish councils, local groups, businesses and many others, in order to hear as broad a range of views as possible.
“This meeting of the committee forms an important part of that process and we look forward to a good turnout on the night and a healthy, constructive discussion.”
Published: 4 November 2022