Real Christmas tree collections

This year we are pleased to again be supporting and promoting the charity collection of trees by Pilgrims Hospice.
The collection takes place between Friday 10 and Sunday 12 January 2025. Although it is a free service, people who take advantage of it are encouraged to make a donation to this excellent local charity.
Last year, the total raised for Pilgrims Hospice through their Christmas tree recycling campaign was more than £60,000 – enough to pay for more than 2,400 hours of specialist nursing care.
The Pilgrims Hospice website has details of how the scheme works and how to register your tree for collection. The deadline to register is Sunday 5 January.
If any other local charities are offering a similar service, please email us at and we will give you a shout out in our next piece of communications on this.
Residents who do not go down the charity route, but who are subscribers to our garden waste service, can put their tree out to be picked up on their first green bin collection in January 2025.
This will be in either week commencing 20 January or 27 January, depending on which week you are on.
Ideally the tree would be chopped up and placed in the bin, but if this is not possible, please leave it out next to the garden bin in the usual place for waste collections so it is visible for our crews.
You can subscribe to the garden waste service on our website.
For non-subscribers, trees can be taken to Kent County Council’s household waste recycling centres – aka ‘the tip’ – in Canterbury and Herne Bay.
We are no longer providing a kerbside collection for people who do not subscribe to the garden waste service.
Sending our trucks and crews out to drive round looking for trees that may or may not be there is not environmentally friendly and is not an efficient use of our resources.
Published: 11 December 2024