Reminder letters issued as annual canvass continues

Our annual check of the electoral register, to make sure it is correct and complete and people are eligible to vote, is continuing.
We carry out this process every year in what is known as the annual canvass, and a revised electoral register is published on 1 February.
All households have been contacted over the last few weeks, either by letter or by email if electronic contact details have been provided. Thank you to those who have already responded if you needed to.
If you have not yet checked your letter or email, please do so. We are sending reminders out, and these will be followed up by telephone calls or home visits for those we do not hear back from.
We would like to keep these down to an absolute minimum to save on our costs, so please help us out with this.
The Kent County Council election takes place on 1 May 2025 so it’s important you do not miss out on the right to vote. And being on the electoral register also helps with your credit rating.
For more information on the annual canvass, please go to the electoral registration page on our website.
Published: 13 November 2024