Rules refreshed to make sure everyone has a great time at the coast

Refreshed rules to ensure everyone has a great time when visiting the district’s 14 miles of beautiful coastline will come into force on Saturday 1 April this year.
The Coastal Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) 2023 is also designed to protect the area’s wildlife, its flora and fauna and stop the antisocial behaviour which spoils a trip to the seaside for others and especially families.
Those who refuse to follow the rules when asked by a police officer or one of the council’s Enforcement Officers will be issued with a £100 fine known as a fixed penalty notice.
They could also face prosecution and a fine of up to £1,000 for more serious breaches.
Deputy Director of People, Marie Royle, said: “This set of common-sense rules are designed to protect our wonderful coastline and its wildlife, a genuine jewel in the district’s crown, while ensuring everyone can enjoy themselves while keeping and feeling completely safe and respecting others around them.”
The Coastal PSPO 2023 bans:
- the harming of wildlife (sea angling and lawful bait digging for personal use excepted)
- catapults
- jumping from Whitstable Harbour, Herne Bay Pier and breakwater and Hampton Pier
- urinating or defecating in public
- use of disposable barbecues
- open fires except the beach between Burlington Drive eastwards to the border with Thanet
- continuing to drink alcohol when asked to stop by a police officer or Enforcement officer
- acting dangerously or being careless while sailing a pleasure boat, windsurfer, kite board, jet ski or other vessel
- riding or launching jet skis other than in compliance with relevant byelaws and the council’s registration scheme
- recreational camping (sunshades, windbreaks, fishing shelters and baby shades excepted)
- the throwing of stones or pebbles or anything else in a way that is likely to cause others alarm, harassment or distress
- the removal, damage or vandalism of the land, fixtures, fittings and flora and fauna
For more detailed information on the areas covered and the PSPO’s requirements, visit
Published: 24 March 2023