Time running out to earmark land for Local Plan

Time running out to earmark land for Local Plan

Time is running out to let Canterbury City Council know about sites that could be earmarked for change in the years ahead.

Its Call For Sites ends on 30 June and plays a crucial role in formulating the next Local Plan which is the council’s formal planning blueprint allocating land for homes, jobs, community use and open space in the future.

All of the proposals submitted are subject to an extensive review before being put forward for the next stage in the process.

Leader of the Council Cllr Robert Thomas said: “The Call For Sites is a crucial first step in helping us look to the future and the opportunities our next Local Plan can deliver for the whole district.

“We need to think about what sort of place we want Canterbury, Herne Bay, Whistable and our villages to be and the information we get from the public will help us start to piece together our vision for a long-term future where we can all prosper.

“Ideas from every part of the community are crucial because there is no way of us knowing about every plot of land, what it could be used for or if it needs to be protected.”

Land will be needed for a wide range of uses. When it comes to housing, this includes market housing, affordable housing, accommodation for students, housing for older people, disabled and specialist needs accommodation, self and custom-build housing and gypsy and traveller pitches.

Commercial land includes offices, storage and distribution, industrial use, science and research, leisure and tourism and retail.

Community use would include village and community halls, education and pre-school nursery facilities, open spaces and wildlife habitats.

The council is looking to hear from a wide range of people and organisations including landowners, developers, housebuilders, agents, residents, parish councils and community groups.

Head of Planning Simon Thomas said: “The deadline is just weeks away so make sure you get your submissions in using the form on our website.

“For most sites, all you need to do is provide us with an address, a location plan and complete a few questions. We have more detailed requirements for larger sites. 

“Whatever size your potential site is, we recommend you read our guide on what information is needed on the website.

“We are expecting applicants to meet these requirements and submit the necessary studies and evidence in support of their site submission by 30 June.

“However, should there be any particular pieces of information you are unable to submit due to the coronavirus crisis, we are happy to work with you to agree a timescale for the submission of any outstanding information.”

If you have any queries about the Call for Sites, email the team at planning@canterbury.gov.uk.

Published: 3 June 2020

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