Work starts on sea defences upgrade for Herne Bay

Work to improve our sea defences and raise the standard of protection for Herne Bay has begun.

A new 80m long rear wall, east of the Neptune car park, will be built in yellow bricks with a stone coping to match the existing sea defence walls along the front.

Work is expected to last 12 weeks. Eight on-street parking bays in Central Parade will be out of action to allow it to happen.

We will keep the promenade open to the public as much as we can and it should all be completed before the summer season kicks in, weather permitting.

The project also includes two new floodgates, promenade resurfacing and refurbishment of the seafront hand railings.

Our Engineering team secured £297,000 of Environment Agency funding for this project.

Published: 18 March 2025

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