Food waste campaign – your questions answered

We’ve launched a new campaign to try and boost the uptake of food waste collections in the district.
Over the next few weeks, ‘no food waste stickers’ will be placed on the black bins of properties that are suitable for food waste collections, encouraging residents to use their food caddies instead.
Here, we have answered some of the main questions about the project. If you have a query that we haven’t included, please email us at
Q) Why has somebody placed a sticker on my black bin?
A) We have stuck ‘no food waste please’ stickers on the black bins of almost all properties that can use the food recycling service in the Canterbury district. We are encouraging residents to use our food waste collection service because recycling food makes a lot of sense, it uses less energy and so is much less costly than burning food waste mixed with general rubbish and it’s better for the environment
We are doing everything we can to reduce unnecessary costs and handle waste so that has the lowest possible impact on the environment.
Food recycling also helps keep your rubbish bin fresh. Caddies are collected weekly and are easy to clean and rinse.
Q) Will you still collect my refuse bin if there is food waste inside it?
A) Your refuse bin will still be collected if there is food waste inside it. However we encourage you to recycle your food waste wherever possible.
Q) How does the food waste collection service work?
A) Food waste is collected every week on your dedicated collection day. Please ensure that your food waste is contained within a caddy liner and that the caddy liners are presented for collection within the external food waste caddy.
Please put your external food waste caddy out by 6am on your collection day. Food waste is collected by a separate crew and therefore may be collected at a different time to that of your recycling or refuse. Find out your collection dates.
Q) What can I put inside my food waste caddy?
A) Place any raw or cooked food in your caddy to be recycled. Do not place anything that’s not solid food into your caddy, such as oils and liquids, or packaging of any sort.
Q) I would like to participate by recycling my food waste, but I do not have the food caddies. What can I do?
A) Most properties should already have these caddies, but we understand that caddies may have gone missing over the years. To support the project and increase food waste recycling, we have introduced a discounted price for the external caddy which usually costs £13.75.
For a limited period, we have discounted the price of an external caddy to £10.00 starting from 3 February 2025. You can order food caddies on our website.
Q) Do I have to purchase an external food caddy and a kitchen caddy to use the food waste collection service?
A) You would only need to purchase an external food caddy to ensure your food waste is collected by the crews. You can purchase your internal food caddy from wherever you like.
Q) Do I have to keep the sticker on my refuse bin?
A) We recommend that you leave the sticker on your refuse bin to remind you that food waste can be recycled. However, if you would like to remove it, you can.
Q) How was the distribution of stickers/leaflets and caddy liners funded?
A) The distribution of the stickers/leaflets and caddy discount was funded by Kent County Council and Canterbury City Council in a bid to increase our recycling rates. Recycling food uses less energy and is less costly than burning food waste mixed with general rubbish, so the money spent on this project should be recovered by lower disposal costs now and into the future.
Q) I don’t have any food waste because I compost it or ensure there is no food wasted.
A) Great job! If you are composting your food waste or reducing your food waste already then you are doing your part for the environment. You can gift the caddy liners to a neighbour/friend or family member if you have no use for them.
However, even if you don’t think you produce much food waste, you could still challenge yourself to try food recycling for a week or two, because many people don’t realise how much food is going in their rubbish bins. There is plenty of unavoidable food waste that can still be recycled in your caddy (that can’t be home-composted) like meat and fish, bones, dairy, bread and pastry.
Seeing how much and what types of food are going to waste, is often the first step in reducing your waste and saving money! It’s estimated that people could save eight meals per week by making the most of the food that is already in the fridge and cupboards at home which is a big win for the environment and your pocket!
Q) I have not received a sticker/leaflet or food waste caddy liners, but my neighbours have?
A) If you have not received your sticker/leaflet or caddy liners but your neighbours have, please email and at the end of the project if there are bags and stickers left over, we will arrange delivery.
Published: 4 February 2025