Bin collections – week commencing 18 September

Tomorrow (Monday 18 September), week two of Canenco’s recovery period following the bin strike gets underway.
The top priority for crews on Monday will be to complete around 590 properties that did not have a collection during the week just gone. This was due to a problem with the narrow access vehicle that goes to harder to access roads.
For this coming week, once again we have extra vehicles and staff working and the aim is to complete all scheduled services each day – black bins, recycling bins, garden bins and food bins.
And again this week, we will be accepting waste that is not contained within your wheelie bin – for recycling and black bag waste (depending on which collection you are due to have). This arrangement does not apply to garden waste.
Additional recycling should be contained within a clear bag or box, or within a cardboard box. Please do not put it in black bags, as it will have to be treated as contaminated waste and cannot be taken.
If the overall volume of recycling and garden waste put out for collection means that crews run out of time to get to you on your scheduled day, please leave your bin out so that it can be collected later in the week by a catch-up crew.
We would ask people who have left their recycling bins on the street for the last few weeks to check the contents of it, to make sure nobody has come along and dumped stuff in the top, contaminating the rest of it.
For a refresher on what materials go in which bin, go to our website.
You can also find out more information on collections during this two week recovery period, including answers to some of the regular questions we’ve been getting.
Published: 17 September 2023